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We like everyone else have been completely upset by the

COVID19 situation that has come to life over the past year.

We unfortunately like many other companies and activities had to stop

our sessions to keep everyone safe. 


Please see below our COVID 19 safety measures that we will be putting in place when we return. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we'll try our hardest to help. 


Please also note that GLJ Theatre must follow all instructions from our home venues so starting dates / ideas may need to change.

GLJ THEATRE COVID 19 safety measures




Resources to help children learn about coronavirus and how to keep themselves and others safe

Below are links to resources which may be helpful in supporting the children that attend your setting to learn about coronavirus (COVID-19) and promoting safety measures, such as frequent handwashing.

These links are given to us by the UK Government within the OUT OF SCHOOL protective measures guide. 


Horrid Hands


Super Sneezes


Hand Hygiene


Respiratory Hygiene





If you have any questions about our plans or ideas please feel free to contact us via

e-mail or facebook message.


GLJ Theatre has created a COVID 19 risk assessment which is available for anyone who wishes to see it at every session. 


We look forward to opening again soon.


Thank you for visiting please note all information was correct at the time of creation.

GLJ ENTERTAINMENTS (GLJ THEATRE and GARY L JOHNSON) owns all the rights for images used within this website. Images must not be used without the permission of the website creator. Marketing images available on request please e-mail

Please note information was correct at the time of being published. GLJ ENTERTAINMENTS have the right to change this information at any time.

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