
L Johnson


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GLJ Theatre terms and conditions (August 2024 - July 2025)
At GLJ THEATRE we recognise and take seriously our duty of care with regards to our policies and procedures that are designed to ensure the safety of children and young people in our care. All our leaders are regularly DBS checked. Please read the following information and sign at the bottom of the page. Without this page being signed your child will NOT be able to take part within our theatre sessions.
Parental consent:
I give permission for the person named in this registration form to participate in GLJ THEATRE activities delivered by The GLJ Team and any visiting artists / specialists.
I recognise that while The GLJ Team will exercise careful supervision of the children and young people in their charge, they cannot be held responsible for any incidents that arise due to the child or young person’s own negligence or inappropriate behaviour.
I understand that The GLJ THEATRE Team are responsible for the participants during the session time. Outside of session times we cannot guarantee supervision so please do not leave children on the premises before the session starts unless they are accompanied by a member of The GLJ Theatre Team. Also, it is very important that parents / guardians collect their child at the agreed finishing time of the session. Unless stated on the front of form – members will not be allowed to leave the building. If permission has been given – GLJ Theatre is not responsible for your child as soon as they have left the building.
The GLJ Theatre team MUST be contacted if a parent or guardian is going to pick up late.
A fine may also be added for late pick-ups. Please check pick up time at the start of the session.
I understand at GLJ Theatre the team expects all our members to behaviour in the correct fashion and to listen to all instructions given out by our leaders. If rules are broken or members are being disrupted GLJ THEATRE has the right to ask any member to leave with immediate effect with no refunds given.
I understand that I must pay all fees on time and no refunds would be given after the point of purchase.
I appreciate that I must support my child in learning lines and blocking for GLJ THEATRE productions. As a theatre company I understand that my child will be required to learn lines, blocking etc for the performances. Failure to do so by the set date may result in my child’s part becoming smaller, cut, or changed.
At GLJ THEATRE we engage in the following press and media activities:
Take photographs and videos of rehearsal and performance projects for our promotional and social media.
We encourage visits by photographers / reporters who photograph and interview members and include their name and area they are from in print.
This generates coverage for local, regional and national media. Our / Glamis Hall / Kingsway centre(s) will also visit GLJ THEATRE projects to generate promotional material including their websites, flyers, displays, archive and press coverage. By signing the conditions, I give permission for my child to be included in press and media activities online and in print. Please note these images may be used for marketing materials after the participant has left GLJ THEATRE. If you wish your child not to be included in any photos or videos a written letter must be handed over to the Artistic Director explaining your choice on this matter.
Fitness to perform
By signing this form, I agree that my child is fit to perform in the current GLJ THEATRE productions. All medical needs / information has been included on the front page. Any changes to fitness to perform will be written in a letter to the Artistic director and added to this form.
The information that you have provided will be stored by The GLJ THEATRE team and will not be shared with any other parties*
*Information must be shared with North Northamptonshire Council when young person is performing on stage. This is part of the licencing process to perform on stage. GLJ Theatre follows all performing rules and licencing procedures. GLJ Theatre will also need to share information if requested by the UK Track and Trace system. (When required) For more information please see a member of the GLJ Team.
Form updated for GLJ Theatre 2024/25